Contact details: 

  • To contact CONSTRUCTIVITY please send a detailed message using the CONTACT page on this website.


Personal information collected and stored (what information):

  • Personal Information may include: Name, Position Title, Business address, Contact phone number, Email address


Personal information collection (how and where):

  • All information submitted on standardised entry screens are collected and stored using 3rd party business applications as applicable  based on the service offering sought or requested.
  • For example, Training service booking information may be submitted through a Booking platforms such as Eventbrite; through the CONTACT Page on this website; by Email; by phone.


Reasons for collection of personal information:

To enable:

  • Communication with persons requesting services or making enquiries on potential services which may be required.
  • Preparation of Training related documents including: Certificates of Attendance; Records of Attendance; Continuous Professional Development (CPD) entitlements, eligibility or potential.
  • Quality Management and Continuous Improvement processes / initiatives.
  • Evidence of Attendance of Training courses.



Use of personal information:

  • To enable the provision of services requested including preparation of documentation sought e.g. Training Certificates and Records of Attendance.


Disclose of personal information:


Personal Information will not be disclosed outside the business unless:


  • Requested specifically by a Client as a requirement of the services sought.
  • Where the information constitutes a Training document or Business Consultancy Report specifically sought by staff on behalf of the organisation as a means of identification of the origin, stakeholder relationship or contact information as required in a formal Project Report, Facilitated Workshop or Meeting Report, Stakeholder Engagement Report or similar.
  • Where the Personal Information is required within the context if Local, State or National Government legislative requirements.
  • A relevant 3rd party is seeking confirmation as to whether or not an individual claiming to have completed a training course has a record of actual attendance completion of a CONSTRUCTIVITY training course in instances where the 3rd party has been provided a statement or certificate bearing the individuals name stated to have originated from a CONSTRUCTIVITY training course. Training records and / or Certificate or Record copies will reviewed by CONSTRUCTIVITY to confirm authenticity and validity of a Certificate or Record being presented as evidence of Knowledge, Skill, Expertise, Qualification related to the training completed. The relevant 3rd Party may for example be a potential employer such as a Project Client, a Construction Firm, a Project Management Consultancy, a Design Consultancy or similar.
  • Copies of Certificates and Records may be provided to an organisation that has Booked and/or Paid for an individuals Training.



Personal Information access and Correction:


  • You can access your personal information, or ask for a correction by making a formal request in writing.
  • Initially you will need to make a request through the CONTACT Page or by Email.
  • For Privacy and confidentiality purposes you will need to be able to prove your identity.
  • Once an identity check is complete you will be guided through the stages of the process relevant to the Personal Information request sought. For example, this may include seeking a copy of a Training Certificate or correction to the spelling of your name on that certificate. Note that Training records may only be considered for change within the time frame in close proximity to the training date. Significant changes such as substantive change of a previous name or organisation may not be eligible and will require review and discussion including potential formal evidence submission to be determined on a case by case basis.




  • You may lodge a complaint if you think your information has been mishandled.
  • Your complaint will be logged on a Records Management System.
  • You may request updates on the progress of your complaint.
  • Records of the progression towards resolving your complaint will be updated in the Records Management System.
  • You will be contacted and provided of update progression at nominated milestones and on conclusion.
  • You may provide ongoing feedback.
  • You may be contacted for additional clarification and update purposes.



Disclose your information outside Australia:

  • In most instances information is unlikely to be disclosed outside Australia.
  • CONSTRUCTIVITY may disclose to a relevant 3rd party seeking confirmation as to whether or not you have completed the attendance of a CONSTRUCTIVITY training course in instances where the 3rd party has been provided a statement or certificate bearing your name and stated to have originated from a CONSTRUCTIVITY training course. Your training records and / or Certificate or Record copies will reviewed by CONSTRUCTIVITY to confirm authenticity and validity of a Certificate or Record being presented as evidence of Knowledge, Skill, Expertise, Qualification related to the training completed. The relevant 3rd Party may for example be a potential employer such as a Project Client, a Construction Firm, a Project Management Consultancy, a Design Consultancy or similar.
  • Copies of Certificates and Records may be provided to an organisation that has Booked and/or Paid for your Training.


Privacy Policy Updates:

  • This Privacy Policy is subject to continuous review and update.
  • The Privacy Policy will be updated when information handling practices change.
  • The Privacy Policy will be publicised on the CONSTRUCTIVITY website and may also include advice through email.



Feedback on the Privacy Policy:

Kindly please provide Feedback on the Privacy Policy through the CONTACT Page on this website. Feedback may for example include:

  • Suggestions for improvement
  • Areas of difficulty in understanding
  • Areas of potential Innovation 
  • Benchmarking re Examples of Policy and or review related to the management and operation of similar business interests